A Brief History Of The English Language


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A Brief History Of The English Language

Today, in this day and age, English is probably the most important and dominant parlance spoken across the globe. It is an inherent part of some people where they use it on a day-to-day basis and even in their household, whilst some use the language in order to make ends meet and to survive this globalised and constantly progressing world. However, when we look back and understand the very fabric and the basics of the language, by uncovering the layers within which it’s wrapped, it becomes quite clear of how the language has borrowed and is an amalgamated union of words derived from ancient languages. However, whilst we are focusing on this it is also important to shift the focus on the needs of an average student studying in the UK; therefore what is essential is for students to make use of an Essay Writing service. As these facilities are equipped with academic writers who can imbue a certain finesse and know-how in the narrative, they can structure and organise details effectively and can render work on the stipulated time, without compromising on the specifications in any way.  Hence, once you get in contact with such a facility you are most likely to garner better grades and notice a stark difference in your academic performance.

A total of 600 million speak the English language, it is the third most commonly spoken language in the world. Hence, it makes sense to take a peek at the founding layer of the language. In the 5th century AD, the dwellers of Britain used to speak a Celtic language. But, once Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, thereon came the infusion and introduction of Latin. However, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Anglo-Saxons inhibited Britain, and so they brought their language, and hence it resulted in the culmination of a language which is now known as ‘Old English’. This language was an amalgamation of modern-day German and a complex form of present-day English. This language was altered yet again, due to the invasion of the Vikings, who brought their Nordic influence into the language and hence modified its arrangement.

These statements clearly elucidate how the English language has been carved and shaped by several invasions and several different civilisations. The complexity and intricacy of Old English were diluted with the arrival of William the Conqueror.  This era saw an emergence of a different perspective on the language, and thus Middle English was born. From the 12th to 15th century, Middle English was used primarily and was somehow equivalent to present-day English, however, there was a heavy influence of French and Latin in the language.

The present-day English, however, was set into place in 1470’s due to the arrival of the printing press in Britain, whereby spellings, grammar, and the structure were cemented. Moreover, the language was further enhanced and widened, as the British Empire invaded and acquired several other regions, and therefore the language started getting heavily impacted due to the different cultures and different languages.

On the whole, English is a language which still continues to evolve, as the disparate cultures, human interactions, and local dialects continue to bring a subtle effect on the parlance. Therefore, there is on a daily basis an increase in the vocabulary being added to the language, thus signifying the value of the language.