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A Brief History Of The English Language

Today, in this day and age, English is probably the most important and dominant parlance spoken across the globe. It is an inherent part of some people where they use it on a day-to-day basis and even in their household, whilst some use the language in order to make ends meet and to survive this […]

Why Is English Difficult To Learn?

Most students dream of studying in the UK, and thus they tend to take all the necessary measures which are a prerequisite. Therefore, one of the most integral parts of shifting and relocating to a particular place requires a stronghold grasp over the language, and if its UK that you wish to settle into, then […]

Tips & Tricks For Studying In The UK

It is a dream for every student to go to the UK to study in a university of their choice. Once you’ve attained a degree from a university in the UK, your professional prospects tend to swell immediately. However, we can’t ignore the fact that studying in the UK, which is an environment completely alien […]